
Recently, I’ve been collaborating with several colleagues on projects focussing on the microbial ecology of hydrocarbon degradation. …

The data.table package has become my favourite R package for all things data handling. Unlike the “tidyverse” suite of packages, the …

After my post yesterday, documenting a faster parallelised version of the rarecurve function (quickRareCurve), I realised it’d be good …

Recently, the newest version of the popular ggplot2 graphics package was announced, and it has some nifty mapping features that I was …

Let me start off by stating that I have enormous respect for Rob Edgar (creator of USEARCH, UPARSE etc.). His contributions to the …

When beginning analyses on microbial community data, it is often helpful to compute rarefaction curves. A rarefaction curve tells you …

If you use R to analyse and plot your data, then you’ve probably heard of and used the ggplot2 package, written by Hadley Wickham. …

I was recently asked by one of my PhD supervisors to help out on a paper by doing some metagenomic analyses. My mission was essentially …

I’ve recently started a chapter for my PhD which involves a meta-analysis of microbial ecological literature. This has involved looking …

As a microbial ecologist, part of my job is to try and assign taxonomy to all of the microbial critters living in the habitats I study. …